I have to say I have been brought up on Mango shake. Every day as soon as the mango season started so did our morning mango shake routine. Winters was hot bournvita milk and summers was without a question one big glass of mango shake before we rushed out of the door for school.
This mango shake recipe is the simplest. No fancy fruit combinations or healthy seeds addition just plain mango, milk and sugar with a hint of cardamom. Some things are so sacred to be messed up with any changes. The only change is low fat milk from full fat. To make Mango Lassi, another common summer drink, use plain yoghurt in place of milk.
Mango Shake / Mango Lassi
By Ashima Goyal Siraj
Preparation time: |Serves: 2
2 ripe mangoes (~500gms)
Sugar to taste
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
500 ml cold low fat milk (or plain yoghurt for making Mango Lassi)
- Peel and chop mangoes directly into the mixer. Keep about 10 pieces aside to add to the shake.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and blitz until smooth.
- Pour into tall glasses and add 5-6 pieces of mango in each. Enjoy!
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